Thursday, March 02, 2006

Ça ne fonctionne pas...Elle n'aime pas ses bottines

Joran ''chigne'' parce qu'elle ne veut pas mettre ses fameuses bottines.
Même si nous avons acheté les bottines il y a plusieurs semaines, elles sont toujours nouvelles puisqu'elle ne veut jamais les porter.
Selon Joran, il est impossible de marcher avec des bottines.

Pourtant Joran, elles sont mignonnes tes bottines!


Junior Amabile Singers said...

Joran, They really are very nice boots. I'm sorry you think it is impossible to walk in them. I'm quite the opposite...Mommy can hardly get my pants on fast enough in the mornings so that I can get my sneakers or dancing shoes on. Hey maybe that's what you need...a nice pair of shiny black patent leather dancing shoes! They are by far my first choice!

Chin up honey!

Shelley, Mom of Meg & Kate said...

I think your shoes are bery nice too!! I can't quite walk yet, I'm very close though. But my Mom puts my shoes on everyday hoping for good things....


Shannon said...

My Mom has these great shoes for me that squeek when I walk. Maybe she can find some that make a noise or light for you? It really helped me learn to walk.
