Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Tempête de neige...''snow storm''

''Lac Commando'' et le ''Parc Reine Elizabeth'' en avant de ma maison. ''Commando Lake'' and ''Queen Elizabeth Park'' in front of my house.

Ce matin, avant d'aller à l'école, Nathan et Elyan essayaient de se débarasser de la neige, pauvre Joran qui vient du Sud de la Chine... This morning, before going to school, Nathan and Elyan were trying to get rid of the snow, poor Joran who is from the South of China.


Junior Amabile Singers said...

We too in southern Ontario had a snow storm yesterday. We have snow on the ground this morning but not nearly as much as this in London. However, about an hour north where my sister and parents live, they have as much as you do. She said there was sometimes zero visibility driving from her home to London yesterday when she brought my niece to choir rehearsal. Canada in the spring....very unpredictable. I grew up in the snow belt just off of Lake Huron and I know we've had snow very close to May!!!!!

Chin up!
Soon it will be summer and we'll enjoy the warm weather and probably be wishing it wasn't so darn hot!


my3 kids said...

Yikes Rachelle...sorry the prayers did not work but we tried real hard!!! It's sunny here today and yesterday was really nice outside. We had fun as Kira is learning to ride her bike without training wheels and doing really well. Good luck with all that snow and hope it melts away fast!!!! Hugs, Janice

J said...

Oh Rachelle, that's just not right!! At this point, even the kids are probably tired of winter!lol


Debbie and Frank said...

Sorry to say, that I really have a hard time imagining that at this time of year...we're definately spoiled in Victoria, even though I do miss the snow in the WINTER months. Hopefully it will warm up real fast for you guys, so that you can enjoy some more outdoor fun time!
