Thursday, May 18, 2006

Elyan tombe souvent de son lit...Elyan often falls off his bed...

Hier soir, quand je suis allée le voir avant de me coucher, il était comme ça...Yesterday evening, before going to bed, I went to his bedroom and he was sleeping like that...


Debbie and Frank said...

Very funny! I can't believe he is still sleeping. I see he has bed side rails to he won't fall out the side...who would have thought he'd fall out the bottom.

Shelley, Mom of Meg & Kate said...

Can you imagine being that sound asleep?? I wish I would sleep like that. Ok, not on the floor but...


my3 kids said...

well he looks comfy..too funny that he stayed sleeping like that. Guess they need to make bottom of the bed rails too to keep these kids in....


Shannon said...

Wow, I would love to sleep that soundly. It looks like he just kept moving around till he slide off the end of the bed.