Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bonne fête à notre grande fille Joran...Happy birthday to our big girl Joran

J'ai 2 ans aujourd'hui!...I'm 2 years old today!


Shannon said...

Happy Birthday Joran!

Love Deanna

Debbie and Frank said...

Happy Birthday Joran! I won't forget your birthday because my sister's is on the same day. Looks like you had lots of fun. Taiya doesn't know this yet, but is getting the same Barbie car - cool isn't it!


my3 kids said...

Happy Birthday to you.....Happy Birthday dear Joran...Happy Birthday to you! Looks like you had a fun birthday and look at the Dora stuff you got!! Also another thing some of our Yangxi girls have in common is the same Barbie the music it plays. Too cute. Love you Joran.

Love your Yangxi sister Emma and family xoxoxoxoxoxo