Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Nouvelle découverte...New discovery

Hier, Joran a découvert qu'elle pouvait grimper sur les chaises et sur la table. Je pense qu'elle a grimpé au moins 20 fois en 30 minutes...Yesterday, Joran discoved that she could climb on the chairs and on the table. I think she climbed at least 20 times in 30 minutes.


Debbie and Frank said...

Little monkey!...another explorer, if it's not one thing it's another. Taiya has been up to these expeditions herself...scares the %$@* out of me.


my3 kids said...

Joran it looks like you and I are alike as I LOVE to climb and scare the pants off mommy and daddy. Anything I can climb on I will! are you like that too? hee hee we keep our mommy's on their toes don't we?!

Your friend Emma xo

Shannon said...

Ah! I'm not showing that to Deanna, thankfully she hasn't tried to climb the chairs yet, and I don't want to give her ideas. Good job Joran!